Project Description

Michael Boraz - The Cahn Fellows Programs

Michael Boraz

Cahn Fellow 2018

Principal, Lincoln Park High School

Chicago, Illinois

Michael Boraz was appointed as the chief of schools for Network 15 after serving as the principal of Lincoln Park High School (LPHS) for nine years. Under Michael’s leadership, LPHS increased enrollment in AP and IB courses by more than 30%, resulting in more than 900 students taking at least one college level course last year. LPHS students also excel in the Performing Arts. All students are encouraged to give the Arts a try, resulting in nearly 50% of LPs 2100 students participating in at least one performing group. The LP leadership team’s ongoing mission is to increase equitable outcomes for all students. Michael received his BA in Economics and MA in Education w. Certification from the University of Michigan Ann Arbor. He obtained his educational leadership credential through New Leaders for New School, Chicago cohort 3.

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