Project Description

Kyle Brillante, Fellow
The Highbridge Green School
The Bronx, NY
Kyle Brillante is the founding principal of The Highbridge Green School, the first public middle school in the Highbridge neighborhood of the Bronx. Since its founding in 2013, The Highbridge Green School has been recognized by the New York City Department of Education for its innovative and promising practices. It was an inaugural Showcase School and Learning Partners Program Host school for middle school literacy. In 2019, he received the prestigious Equity in Leadership Award from the New York City Office of Leadership, citing his leadership in ending disproportionate literacy outcomes for students of color. He's an avid runner and completed five marathons.

Kehmay Khahaifa-Valdez, Ally
Math Department Chair/Coach
The Highbridge Green School
The Bronx, NY
Kehmay Khahaifa has taught for six years as a mathematics teacher in District 9 in the Bronx. As Chair of the Mathematics Department, Kehmay helps to supervise math instruction and coach emerging math teachers. In the 2023 school year, Kehmay led instructional change in the Five Practices for Orchestrating Mathematical Discussions.