Project Description
Barbara Tremblay, Fellow
P.S. K721 - Brooklyn Occupational Training Center
Brooklyn, NY
Barbara Tremblay, Principal of P721K in District 7, began her journey in the NYC DOE thirty-two years ago as a paraprofessional and has held many roles in the Department of Education, including teacher, District Administrator, Assistant Principal, and for the last seven years as a Principal. During her Principalship, the arts and vocational opportunities have been a high-priority area for her school. She believes in and strives for students to experience and participate in quality arts programming. The Arts are vital to supporting the school's mission to enable young adults with developmental disabilities to utilize their talents, strengths, and capabilities to live and work in our community. P721K was one of the first schools to open a Project Search Class in New York City. To ensure students receive the highest quality of instruction, she has continued to seek the best teachers, curriculum, instructional methodologies, and partnerships to meet the needs of all students. P721K strives to create a school culture where active participation and first-hand experiences are the means for her students to reach new levels of learning. She accomplishes this through strategic planning, collaboration, and open communication. Ms. Tremblay will always ask students and staff, "Where are you going?" as a catchphrase to provide an open dialogue about her student's future and ensure they are set up for success.
Tess Millares, Ally
Assistant Principal
P.S. K721 - Brooklyn Occupational Training Center
Brooklyn, NY
Tess Millares is an Assistant Principal at P721K Roy Campanella School. Her career in education started after graduating from college in 1995. She taught Elementary and High School grade levels at the University of San Carlos in Cebu City, Philippines. She took on the High School Outreach Coordinator role to foster school and community relationships while supporting the educational and basic needs of the public. In 2004, she was accepted by the Department of Education in the City of New York to be one of the few International Teachers. She started as a teacher at her current school, P721K, and became an Assistant Principal in 2014. As a multilingual learner, she supervises Multilingual learners with the belief that language is an expression of self, a sharing of the person’s culture, and diversity with one common goal - acceptance and respect of individual differences.